Glimpses of Life

Hello, this page is full of black and white drawings that represent a diary of my life through struggling with being abandoned as a child to then becoming a young girl. At age 19 I had a baby which was extremely hard, but that child inspired me to push through the barriers and just make my art known to the world. For many years my art had been hidden away out of sight, as like many other women who have been through abuse my therapy is my art its an extension of my soul and I have a lot of works unseen by anyone. All I will say is that glimpses of life shows how even through dark torments I have come through throughout my years of working as an artist I have sustained a love of ink and pencil due to growing up without the ability to get my hands on any paper or pens. My father used to get beer mats which I used to rip off the top and draw with pencils he acquired from betting shops. It's the first time I've opened this can of worms but glimpses of life is to start on a journey to now show the world my thoughts and feelings through my disability and depression, something wonderful and tangible and also dark has made an impact on the way my drawings are put across. I have my own style, my own way of drawing, that at times people may not like or understand but I am excited to start on my road to pushing my works into the realms of art I hope you enjoy my website...

If you would like prints of any of my work please contact me here.